Straight Up With Steph
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Straight Up With Steph
Ep 33: Career Transitions Outside of the Operatory
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In this episode of Straight Up With Steph, I am joined by Dr. Laura Brenner, a dental career coach, to unpack something I get asked about often: how to make the shift to a career outside of the operatory. While I did this myself, I had a natural calling to ergonomics so the transition felt seamless. But this isn’t the case for everyone. After 10 years and a rollercoaster of emotions, Laura made the necessary leap from her dentistry job and now helps others do the same, making her the perfect person to bridge this topic with.
So often I hear clinicians who have been practicing for awhile that all they know is clinical or they’re not going to find something that will give them the flexibility, hours, and pay that they are used to getting in clinical. Dr. Laura explains why this is simply not true.
Together we uncover how to recognize if you’re burnt out or just ready for a career change, how skills learned on the job translate to nonclinical work, what it looks like to work with a coach on this career pivot and where to start looking for a career outside of the operatory.
If you’re feeling like it’s time to make a career change, this episode is for you. Also, Laura’s program, Let’s Go Nonclinical starts February 7th, 2025!
About Dr. Laura Brenner:
After dreaming of becoming a dentist her whole life, Dr. Laura Brenner learned that dentistry wasn’t a match for her. She practiced for 10 years before leaving clinical dentistry to become a blogger, a speaker, and a certified professional coach. After her blog post, “10 Reasons Your Dentist Probably Hates You Too,” went viral, she began connecting with dental professionals around the world who wanted more from their careers. This inspired her to create Lolabees Career Coaching to help dental professionals design their careers on their terms, so they can plan and create joyful, balanced lives.
Connect with Dr. Laura:
Let’s Go Nonclinical (Starts Feb. 7, 2025)
10 Reasons Your Dentist Probably Hates You Too [Blog]
To watch on YouTube, click here
00:00 Introduction of Dr. Laura Brenner
03:54 How to recognize burnout
07:45 The perfectionism epidemic in dental professionals
11:53 Letting go of overresponsibility for your patients
17:46 Perspectives on making a career pivot
21:30 The importance of authenticity and career alignment
24:42 Guidance for career uncertainty
25:47 Overcoming career and life blocks
31:03 Combatting isolation through community
33:06 Addressing your mindset before making a pivot
35:59 Bridging the gaps in dental relationships
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